Wednesday, September 8, 2010

the diaper bag is over flowing...

So we are all packed to head down to Denver, but Mark is battling a migraine so I thought I would write this quick post first!

I think one of the most stressful things as a parent is traveling with a baby/toddler. I have talked to many friends about tricks to make the flight the least painful. I am NO expert BELIEVE ME, but Gavin and I have flown a lot, mostly alone, and I have learned some things to make things go more smoothly. I actually was at the park this morning with some friends who shared even more ideas that I will pass along.

The first thing I have found helpful is to have a BIG bag. This is my flying diaper bag. It is huge, actually expands, and has great pockets and compartments. One compartment is insulated for a drink or food. I put all my necessities that I need in easy reach in the front pockets such as antibacterial stuff, snacks and my wallet. I also don't travel with my huge wallet. It is too cumbersome so I take a small pouch that can hold my license, Gavin's papers, credit card and a little cash. Inside I stuff it with as much as I can carry. We haven't broken down to buying a portable DVD player. We are a little old fashioned. I can see how those things would be awesome, but we depend on books, crayons and other activities instead.

Gavin LOVES books so I pack A LOT. I have 14 books packed for this trip. He used to like books with flaps so I would bring books with a lot of those, but now he likes books with a longer story. I also have crayons, paper, stickers etc. A dry erase coloring board, maggna doodle board, finger puppets (which are awesome. the small set is from Ikea), small Sesame Street figurine dolls and other small toys like cell phone and a bunny that hops. I also bring a few other toys for the inside of the airport like cars and stacking barrels.

...someone discovered all the toys I was packing!

And of course one security, snuggly object...
Gavin hasn't picked his yet...
I remember one secret to avoiding problems while teaching were keeping the kids engaged and it is the same while flying. If Gavin starts to get fussy I just pull something new out of my bag. I feel like Mary Poppins! Food is great too. I have lots of figure foods and a drink. I actually like feeding him even meals on the plane because it takes up time. Even when he was on baby food I would bring the container, bib and spoon and do it on the plane. Some other tricks I have learned is to NOT board the plane early. I feel like as much time as you can let them burn ofF some energy in the terminal the better. Even before he was crawling I would lay him out on a blanket just so he was free as much time as possible. I usually wait till last call to board! I also let Gavin choose the pace of activities. If he wants to investigate one page of a book for an hour so be it. I remember one flight he was so entertained by hitting the cover of Green Eggs and Ham. I think that activity shaved off 30 minutes of the flight!! I have also found not to force him to do anything. I used to try to get him to go to sleep when he wasn't ready. He would fuss and fuss so now I just keep him busy and happy and not worry about what we are doing. When Gavin was younger I did end up nursing him on the plane. It was great for his ears and to have him fall asleep. I still try to get him to eat or drink something during takeoff and our descent to help with his ears. My friend today recommended wrapping each item to play with up like a present. She says here son loves to unwrap everything and it takes up a lot of time! She also recommended colorforms for the windows and masking tape which I think is brilliant. She said he loves to tear it off and stick it on everything. I may be picking up a roll tonight!  The only thing that is now a challenge for me to get Gavin to do on the plane is to sleep. Argh!! If you have any secrets to that let me know!!


  1. Sophie and I fly to OH on Friday. Thanks for the post cousin!

  2. Just wait until you have more kiddos--you learn lots more tricks to traveling :) Even in our car we always have a "go" bag packed with books, toys etc that I rotate, as well as a cooler that has snacks and drinks for days when I don't have time to pack a lunch on the go. Sounds like you are doing good though--gets a little tougher when they are talking a ton and get bored more quickly, my kids can go through a huge bag of stuff in like 10 minutes and then of course there is the fighting.....Good luck!!
