Tuesday, November 30, 2010

so thankful...

What a wonderful Thanksgiving! It was a wonderful week with family and friends. I didn't want the holiday to end.

But what am I most thankful for this year? Well I am finally ready to share our news. We are expecting a baby Apirl 10th and I can not express how thankful I am for this most wonderful gift. We have had friends dealing recently with difficult pregnancies and sad news so I felt even more honored and blessed when we finally got the news last Monday that we are having a girl and that she is growing well and healthy. We are so fortunate.

I have already added her picture to our family of photos.

I am 21 weeks and my belly is really popping now and I am feeling her move more and more. She has already gotten the hang of giving her mama some pretty good kicks! Mark and I were sure we were having another boy and I was so excited, but when the doctor told us it was a girl tears of happiness filled my eyes. I have already started to get a few pink gifts and can't help but begin to plan out a sweet nursery for a much loved baby girl.

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