Sunday, November 21, 2010

collage fun...

Here is another very easy craft to do with your little ones. I wanted to make something fun with Gavin today and I thought this fit the bill!

Torn Paper Collage

For Thanksgiving I had Gavin make Indian corn, but you can use the same technique to make anything. Gavin made a pumpkin for Halloween and I remember having him and his buddy Henry make stars for the 4th of July. Tearing is great for little ones who are developing their fine motor skills. Once the paper is torn you can make anything you want.

For Indian corn you will need:

1 piece of yellow paper
1 piece of green paper
Small pieces of orange, brown, white and red paper
Glue (I use a glue stick)

Cut the yellow paper and green paper to create the corn and husks. Tear the rest of the paper into little pieces. Gavin is still a bit young to do this. He can tear big pieces of paper, but has trouble with smaller pieces so I help him like this.

It helps to hold the paper yourself tightly on one side and let the child tear on the other or hold onto the child's hand to help give more strength in tearing.

Once you have a pile of pieces you are ready to add glue to the whole piece of corn. Gavin loves to use the glue stick to add the glue.

After the corn is covered in glue, add the small pieces of torn paper as corn kernels.

Finally add the corn husks and...

ta da you have a beautiful piece of Indian corn!

Have fun!

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