Monday, October 11, 2010

i am still here...

Sorry for being MIA! I am still here, but have been too busy to blog! I am taking advantage of Mark watching Monday Night Football to write a quick post about our drive. I would have more time, but I spent too long looking at recent pictures of my friend Megann's baby. Megann, if you are reading this I need to unsubscribe to your album site because I spend too much time looking at that adorable kid!!!

Obviously we have made it to Florida! Yay! The drive went a lot more smoothly than I had thought it would. Gavin did well!! I alternated between sitting in the front seat and the back with Gavin. The books, activities and especially craft supplies occupied him well. With breakfast, snack and naps in the car it was pretty easy... well... manageable. :) Here is a small snippet of our 4 days driving cross country...

We did some of this...

A lot of this...

More of this...

And yes, this...

Yes, this is Mark and my son rolling around on the floor in an Olive Garden some where in Missouri. Poor guy! We had been driving so much, stopped for lunch and hated to keep him confined to his highchair. We were THOSE parents with THAT kid running around and playing in a resteraunt. Who cares. He deserved it and we will never see those people again!! Actually we sat in an empty area of the restaurant and made friends with the waiter.
Since we have gotten back to Florida we have been working hard getting settled back into our life here. Ugh! Things are never as easy as you hope. Remember the tick situation? Well we still got 'em!! After 4 attempts of treating them ourselves we finally called a professional last Wednesday. Supposedly we have to wait it out as all the life cycles of the little buggers play out. We actually waited to move back into our house until last Thursday. We have been living out of boxes and bags at Mark's mom's house. Bless her for putting up with all of us! We are pretty much unpacked except for things under beds, floors of closets and pictures of the walls due to our pesky bugs. We do tick checks often throughout the day, but today I am excited to announce we found NONE! Yippee. I am looking forward to having no more unwelcome tenants. It is nice to be back though. I went out tonight with some girlfriends to see a speaker and I loved coming home to Gavin's life vest sitting on the kitchen counter. Mark took him paddle boarding tonight. He said Gavin LOVED it. Wish I could of seen my boys enjoying a Florida evening out on the water. :)


  1. Who was driving while Mark took these pictures?

  2. um... mark. I know. he is so bad. i yell at him!
