The title of this post is actually orders from my doctor. Yes, I have entered my last trimester and the final stretch, but for me and my history that means it is SERIOUS baby baking time. I am now 28 weeks and can't believe it!! This is actually the week I went into the hospital with pre-term labor with Gavin and was on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. Well... I am doing pretty good, but a test my doctor has started to give me every 2 weeks is positive as of Wednesday meaning there is something going on in my body and labor is absolutely NOT definite,but it is possible. So... doctor's orders... take it easy. I think this demand is so hard to follow though. I want to feel like my body can do what it normally can do. I am not a person who likes to take pity from myself or anyone. I HATE to feel like a burden. And it makes it even harder when I think of other people who live life perfectly normal even in their last few weeks of pregnancy. Sigh! I even have a friend who is a nutritionist and exercise fiend who is in her last month of pregnancy and is still exercising!! It is hard to accept that your body maybe just can't do what it is meant to do. But... on the bright side abiding by my doctors orders forces me to take time to focus on these last few months of such a miracle. My body is working hard to create life. What could be more important than that! Because I have to rest more I am able to lay quietly and feel my little girl's kicks and imagine what she is doing in there, what she looks like and what she is maybe even thinking. I don't want to sound too far out there, but I do try to meditate and imagine her growing and developing beautifully. All of this gives me time to bond with her already. I also have such a different perspective on things this time too. If it takes me 3 days to clean the house or do laundry that is ok. Also if the nursery or Gavin's new room are not completely done by the time the baby arrives that is ok too. I really don't think Gavin will care if not all of his pictures are hung on his wall and decorative pillows are in place on his bed. As for the baby, Gavin slept in a basket for almost the first 3 months of his life in our room so I think I will have time to finish the nusery if I can't now! What matters most ALWAYS in life is staying healthy and happy. All the other stuff will come... just like Christmas!
One other good thing about more rest time is more blogging! I do have some things to share with you that we are working on around the house. Mark and I have been busy on lots of projects! I will try to post again soon. I am off to work on another resting activity. Quickbooks! Something tells me that come April when taxes are due I may not have a lot of extra time. I better be well prepared!
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