Oh the joys of being a homeowner! Before October we had been renters for the past 18 months. I have to say I did enjoy not having to worry about working on a house. It is so different being a home owner. But I do LOVE to decorate, so a part of me is glad to be back in OUR house decorating it the way we see fit. Mark and I have been busy since we moved back in. We of course had to clean, fix and replace things when we first moved in and we are still working on that, but we are also updating and redecorating too.
I finally made the curtain I always wanted in my kitchen window.
yes, that is my rock collection. I know, I collect rocks from different places we visit. |
I am by NO means an expert sewer. I actually first sewed the sides of this curtain all crooked and then realized I forgot to put the foot down on the machine! Shows my skill level! I did successfully finish it though! I also made a bulletin board to match. I would love to have a refrigerator like one in a model home... free of clutter, but I love my clutter. The problem was we had too much clutter.
I took an old cork board I have had since college and staple gunned to the back matching fabric to the shade. Now I have two places for my beloved clutter!!
Our current big project is our guest/kids bathroom. Our renters painted the bottom half of the wall eggplant. Not really my taste. Thanks to my sweet husband, who puts up with my decorating plans, The bathroom now has bead board up and primed.
Mark is planning to paint it this weekend and I am going to place all of this stuff I have been creating and collecting.
I will have to show you the end result. I have to finish sewing some drapes for the bathroom so wish me luck! I will definitely remember to put the foot down this time!!
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