I have been wanting to update you all week on how our little man is doing learning to be a big boy! I will not go into to many details. If you don't care about this topic, please flip ahead!! I won't be offended!!! The people I have heard from that want to know how have plenty of time and I will tell you ALL about it when you are ready! I will give you the highlights now though!
I actually tried potty training when Gavin was only 19 months old. A friend, who read all the
Baby Whisperer books told me that is what the author recommended, she was sold and after reading the book I was too. Bad idea, for us at least. It didn't work for Gavin or my friend. The kids were too young, but I do think it was good to introduce the potty early and after a family meeting, yes with Gavin included, we returned to diapers. I also didn't used Pull-ups as a transition to underwear. I have read this prolongs the process, but I know people who swear by these, so who is to say! After the 19 month try Mark and I continued to have Gavin use the potty every so often. The past few months we have had him go more regular and scheduled times throughout the day. Then, last Saturday, after he woke up for the day I dressed him in underwear and told him we were done with diapers! Starting Saturday, Mark and I together, kinda followed the method by Nathan H. Azrin and Richard M. Foxx. This method is for potty training in a day. I researched it on the internet and read about it and the other forms of potty training and signs of readiness in
Toddler Wise. I am NO expert, but from what I have learned here is my best advice:
-- Only start when you see signs of readiness. If it doesn't work, try again in a few weeks or months. Don't push the child into readiness. We actually had a problem with Gavin starting to hit us when we tried at 19 months. Even at times away from the toilet. I think he was upset, frustrated and didn't have the words to express who he was feeling.
-- But do introduce the potty early so you don't have to work on the whole idea that going in the potty is good!
-- The author of Baby Whisperer recommends a potty seat that fits directly over the potty. I used this at first, but Gavin seems to like the smaller potty. Maybe he feels more secure and independent.
-- If possible, have you child run around bottomless sometimes. We allowed this around our pool. It made Gavin more aware of his bodily functions and he started to learn to go in the garden. (Hope this isn't too much info!)
-- If you are not going to use Pull-ups get true cotton training underwear. I had to find these online, but have seen them in Baby's R' Us recently. I also got plastic covers for when we are going to be out. I am using Pull-ups if we are going to be some place wear a wardrobe change would be difficult, but I DON'T tell Gavin that these are ok to go in. He thinks there another kind of underwear.
-- Praise staying dry and clean. This is, I think the most important. Most people only praise going in the potty, but staying dry in clean is your goal. I check Gavin throughout the day and if he is dry and clean he gets a big BIG chip!
-- Praise, reward, sing, dance, call family... make the child super excited about his achievement.
...i love these pictures. :)
It has been a week since Gavin switched to underwear and we have only had one true accident and 3 half accidents. I say half because he will start to go and then realize what he is doing, stop, and ask to use the potty. Great-Grandma Bradich says these are NOT accidents if he stops and corrects himself so... we will go with that thought to up his score!